How to Use Sales Navigator to Get Sales Meetings

Step by Step Guide on How to Maximize Your LinkedIn Outreach for Cold and Warm Leads

Sales Navigator is a powerful tool from LinkedIn designed specifically for professionals looking to scale their outreach efforts. It offers advanced search features, real-time updates, and the ability to create targeted lists of potential leads. At only $99 a month, Sales Navigator allows you to stay connected with prospects and build meaningful relationships over time. According to LinkedIn, businesses using Sales Navigator have seen a 7x higher response rate on outreach, proving how it can drive impact if used correctly.

Now, let’s get into how I personally use Sales Navigator to generate leads and secure sales meetings by separating prospects into two key categories: Cold and Warm.

Cold Prospecting: Starting Conversations Without Selling

When I talk about cold prospects, these are individuals who have not had any previous interaction with me or my business. The goal here is to start conversations, not to sell. Here’s how I do it:

  1. List Building in Sales Navigator  

Begin by creating targeted lists within Sales Navigator. For example, I often use filters like headcount, job titles (e.g., owners or partners), and specific locations. Let’s say you’re targeting law firms with less than 200 employees in the United States. By applying these filters, you can create a list of decision-makers that match your target audience.


  1. Leverage Existing Connections  

If you share a mutual connection with someone, that can warm up the conversation. For instance, I might create a list of people connected with my client Michael Wild, a well-known attorney. I reach out to the cold prospect by mentioning our mutual connection. Important note, I always get permission from the client to use their name before I begin this strategy. 

The key here is to start a conversation—something like, “Hey, how do you know Michael? I see you’re doing X at your firm, how has it impacted Y.” It’s important not to pitch your services; you’re simply initiating a conversation.

  1. Other Lead Lists to Consider  

There are many ways to filter prospects and build lists. Here are some additional lead list ideas you can use:

Active on LinkedIn: Create a list of people who post on LinkedIn regularly. These individuals are already engaged and more likely to respond to outreach.

Mentioned in the News: Use the “mentioned in the news” filter to identify prospects who have recently gained recognition.

Job Changes: Target those who have just switched roles or companies—this can be a perfect time to introduce yourself.

Alumni Networks: Create a list of alumni from your school. Shared experiences can make the conversation more natural.

  1. How to Reach Out to Cold Prospects  

When engaging cold leads, always prioritize personalizing your outreach:

  • Check out their profile, see what they’re posting, and familiarize yourself with their work.
  • Use a mutual connection or shared experience to make the conversation more organic.
  • Start by commenting on something relevant to them, such as a recent post or career update. Make it clear you’re genuinely interested in who they are, not just selling.
  1. Pro Tip: Viewed Your Profile List  

One of my go-to lists is “Viewed Your Profile Recently.” These individuals are already interested enough to check out your profile. I’ll send them a message like:

“Hey [Name], I saw you viewed my profile and wanted to say thank you! I hope the content I share brings some value to your business. Are you interested in learning more, or were you just browsing?”

This approach has landed me numerous meetings because the prospect has already taken the first step.


Warm Prospects: Staying Top-of-Mind Without Being Salesy

Warm prospects are individuals you’ve already had contact with—whether through a prior conversation, meeting, or proposal. The goal here is to stay top of mind without being pushy. Here’s how I handle warm leads:

  1. Create a Warm List  

As soon as I engage with someone in a sales cycle, I add them to a specific “Warm Prospects” list in Sales Navigator. This allows me to track their LinkedIn activity and stay updated on what they’re posting.

  1. Engage Regularly Without the Sales Pitch  

One of my top strategies is to interact with warm prospects by liking and commenting on their LinkedIn posts. This keeps me visible to them without the need for constant follow-up emails like, “Have you had time to review my proposal?” Instead, I’m adding value by engaging with their content, keeping our connection alive and authentic.

  1. Engagement Frequency  

I check in on my warm list a few times a week. For example, if someone posted something relevant, I’ll leave a thoughtful comment. This not only keeps me top of mind but also positions me as someone genuinely interested in their success.


Final Thoughts: Make Sales Navigator a Daily Habit

Consistency is key. Set aside time each day to build your lists, engage with your prospects, and follow up on conversations. These activities compound over time, resulting in more meetings and closed deals. If you find it difficult to keep up with the daily routine, consider hiring eLuminate Marketing to do it for you. We can handle everything from LinkedIn outreach to list management, so you can focus on closing deals.

Start using these tactics today and watch how your LinkedIn outreach transforms into a steady stream of sales opportunities.