eLuminate Marketing specializes in branding and digital marketing which includes content creation, social media, search engine marketing (SEM) and display advertising. eLuminate will also prepare a brief video describing MediXaid to encourage both consumer and provider participation. Lyndsi Stafford, CEO of eLuminate, commented, “We are excited to be working with MediXall on the MediXaid platform which we consider to be a revolutionary and disruptive technology in healthcare and will bring positive change to consumers and providers. Our recent work with other clients in the healthcare space has shown us the value proposition that MediXaid brings to provide the consumer with true transparency and cost-effective services while giving providers a reach into the market that can significantly increase the number of self-pay and high-deductible patients at minimal investment. I expect MediXaid to be a true game changer in the healthcare industry and am grateful to be a part of the early stage development effort.”

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